5 Travel Hacks For Your Summer Vacation

5 Travel Hacks For Your Summer Vacation - Pink N' Proper
How to pack lighter, smarter and faster according to Pink N’ Proper! Here we have 5 Unconventional Travel Hacks that you need to know to make your summer vacation a total breeze!

  • P A C K   L I G H T
  • Choose the right fabric, bags and shoes to get the most out of your allowed packing space in  your suitcase! Shoes are the most common reason that people can’t pack light. For a summer vacay, pack a smaller pair of shoes which are flat and light. Think sandals, flats, boat shoes, or espadrilles!
    Baia Baia Taupe Sum of Stones Flip-Flops in Taupe
    Baia Baia Black Abstract Form Flip-Flops in Black
    As for bags, here we have your “IT” bag to show off in your summer vacay! This netbag comes in a variety of colors and is light, versatile and chic!
    Blanca Net Bag Off White
    Blanca Beach Net Bag In Solid Blue

  • A L L   T I M E   F A V O U R I T E   S C A R F
  • A scarf is an essential travel item as there are so many uses for it such as a neck scarf, a rolled up pillow or a beach cover up! Here we have your must-have scarf that is multipurpose, lightweight and stylish. 
    This Pink N’ Proper beach wraps is convertible as it can be a shawl, a dress or a skirt!

  • R O L L   Y O U R   C L O T H E S   !
  • This technique is most effective as it minimizes wrinkles, saves more spaces and is worth the effort. Rolling your clothes is a strategic way which helps you make the most of the gaps in your suitcase that folding can leave. Plus, it lets you pack more! 



  • B E A C H   V A C A T I O N   K I T 
  • When you have your summer vacation planned well, you would also need your travel bags organized well! For many activities, you have a lot of supplies, therefore a travel kit is an essential. From sandals and walking shoes to sunscreen and shades, you need to keep it all organized. 
    Here we have a travel kit that has many usage which helps it easy to keep track of makeup, toiletries, jewelry, and other necessities. 

  • W A T E R P R O O F   Y O U R   P H O N E   !
  • Aren’t you tired of worrying about your cell phone getting wet everytime you go to a beach or some other activities that has water involved? You hate to take it but also hate to be without it. So here we provide you this travel kit which is waterproof which you will never worry about it getting soaked or sandy again.



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